Camp Eagle

Camp Eagle

Committed to Fun Summers


All campers MUST be registered before they attend, regardless if they are coming for a few days or the entire summer. Once registered, you will receive an email with a link to a Google Form to sign up for the days your child will be coming to Camp Eagle. If you need before and after care (see below) sign-up is also on this form. The Google Form must be filled out by 3 PM the Wednesday before the following week. (Ex. the form must be filled out by 3 PM on Wednesday, June 4th for camp the week of June 9th-13th.) The form will automatically close at 3 PM. If there are any changes to make after that, you will have to send an email to Miss. Rachal.

Payment is due no later than the Wednesday before the next week of camp. Please drop payment off in the front office or with a member of camp staff. We staff and plan activities based on tuition. No added fees.

There are discounts for FOFCA Families and Families with three or more campers. 

Before & After Care: Extra hours are available for an additional fee. However, you must sign-up in advance (see below). We staff this service as needed.


All Campers MUST be registered to attend


See our Camp Flyer for camp pricing

Camp Rules

Please look over our Camp Handbook


Contact our Camp Director, Rachal Ayers


Who is Camp Eagle For?

Kids Prek – Entering 8th grade, see Camp Letter.

Camp Activities

See our Camp Theme Preview

Before/After Care

Extra hours are available for a fee.

When Is Camp?

Dates: June 2nd – August 1st

Hours: 8:30-3:10 pm.

Is Lunch Provided?

Please send a disposable sack lunch and water bottle, with child’s name on it daily.

Please Send Extra...

Clothes, swimsuit, car seats, spray-on sunscreen, water bottles. See Handbook for list!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and watch as we continue to make history for His kingdom. Contact Us for a tour of our campus today.